12 May 2015

My Final Few Months at the CCG...

27th April - 1st May & 5th May - 8th May 2015

The past two weeks have been very busy at the CCG! I have continued to finalise a number of Contracts for the Age-related Macular Degeneration service which a number of local providers in the area are contracted to deliver.

We are also in the final stages of negotiating the 2015/16 CQUINs (Commissioning for Quality and Innovation) with a number of our main providers. I have really enjoyed getting involved in the negotiating side of CQUIN development, as it has enabled me to gain an understanding of how the Commissioner and Providers work together to implement innovative solutions that will encourage the delivery of high quality care throughout the system. Once the CQUINs have been agreed with each Provider, we can then monitor their achievements and evaluate the milestones reached through the submission of quarterly reports.

I am looking forward to my final few months at the CCG, by getting involved in a number of projects. I am particularly looking forward to getting involved with the Clinical Projects Team at the CCG, as they focus their attention on the redesign of Neurodevelopmental services in the Eastern Cheshire area.

I have now been at the CCG for over nine months and my time here has flown by! I am extremely grateful that I have had the opportunity to work within a number of different Teams at the CCG and challenge myself with a variety of different projects. The experience and knowledge gained has been invaluable and I am excited to see what my final few months at the CCG brings, before I return to University (of which I'm dreading!)