5 January 2015

What I have learnt so far on Placement!

29th December – 2nd January

I have just returned to work from a short but relaxing break over the Christmas period! In this week’s blog, I have decided to compile a list of what I have learnt during my time at the CCG so far.

The NHS is a phenomenal organisation! I think that now I am ‘behind the scenes’, rather than at the receiving end, I am now able to understand and appreciate just how hard NHS staff work, particularly from the commissioning end, I have gained an insight into how the NHS would simply not work effectively without the commissioners. There has been a lot to learn about the NHS and the healthcare sector over the past few months; it is a rather complex structure, however I feel that I am finally beginning to understand the daily operation of a CCG and the NHS as a whole.

What I have learnt to date;
• Working with the Finance Team, I have developed a number of new skills – specifically how to code invoices and ensure the face of each invoice is correct, in order for it to be sent to the appropriate person for payment. I have also learnt how to match packages for patients requiring CHC (Continuing Healthcare) who have complex, long-term conditions, to ensure payment to Care Homes is made on time.

• Whilst working alongside the finance team, I have had the opportunity to gain certificates from the HFMA (Healthcare of Financial Management Association). I’ve completed courses from five modules; Commissioning, Business Cases, NHS Finance, Cost Improvement Programmes and Receivables & Payables.

• Contracting – before I began working for the NHS, I had no idea that contracts were even needed with it being a public sector organisation! I now have a better understanding as to what a standard NHS contract looks like, the different sections that are included and the tendering process before a contract is drawn up for a new provider.

• As I am working within the Business Team at the CCG, there is a significant focus on the Quality and Performance of the local healthcare providers. I have learnt all about the local and national quality incentives that are implemented; CQUINs (Commissioning for Quality and Innovation) which enables quality targets to be met and offers providers the opportunity to receive a payment in return.

• I have been exploring the options to commission Perinatal Mental Health Services in the local area, ensuring women who experience a mental health problem during pregnancy and up to a year after delivery are provided with high quality care and support. This has been particularly interesting to understand the types of services which currently exist in the area and the mental health services that need to be commissioned in the future.

• I have recently been involved in the recruitment process within the NHS, where I was a member of the interview panel for a new member of staff at the CCG. I am also responsible for recruiting the next student placement to fulfil my role when I leave, where I will be following a similar shortlisting and interview process.

The list goes on… including all of the acronyms which are used on a daily basis in the NHS!
I am looking forward to continuing to work at the CCG in the New Year, where I will have the opportunity to become more heavily involved with the Contracting, Quality and Project Management side of the organisation!

Happy New Year!

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