9 October 2014

Appearing in 'So Cheshire' Magazine!

6th October - 10th October 2014

This week I have been lucky enough to appear inside Cheshire’s online lifestyle magazine; ‘So Cheshire’, who have published an article explaining the exciting opportunity that I have been given to work within the CCG as an undergraduate!
You can read the article by clicking here!
I will also be appearing in the Macclesfield Express in the next week or two so don't forget to look out for the article!

This week at the CCG I've had a wide variety of tasks and projects to complete, some of which are listed below to describe how each day is different...

Members of staff working for the NHS are required to complete a ‘Personal Development Review’ (PDR) every year, as part of their progress within the healthcare sector. Over the past week, I have started to note my personal objectives which I hope to achieve over the next twelve months. I have completed a similar style of assessment in the past two years that I've been at university where I was required to complete one as an assignment. Unlike the NHS, our assignment was called a ‘Personal Development Plan’ (PDP). The PDP at University follows a very similar structure as the PDR; it lists your goals for the year, how you will achieve them and the deadline. I must admit whilst sat in lectures which were explaining the benefits of a Personal Development Plan, my classmates and I would often wonder if we would ever use these skills in the working world! Little did I know that I would be producing a Personal Development Plan/Review during my placement year!

I have also been finalising the content of an APP which I'm developing with the registered nurse on the CCG’s Governing Body. I have arranged a number of meetings this week with health and social care professionals to discuss their content requirements for the APP, in order for the design stage to begin.

I am currently working three days a week with the finance team at the CCG, to give me the opportunity to develop skills surrounding financial management. This week's task has been to code the invoices and put them onto the online database. New invoices are uploaded onto the system each day, therefore in order to maintain a steady workload the invoices must be coded on a daily basis to then be approved by an appropriate member of staff.

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